June 27, 2011 our ferry arrived at Port Angelus, (located at northern tip of the Olympic Peninsula) about noon. We drove down the western side of the peninsula to Aberdeen, Washington and took "pot luck" for a motel, and lucked out.
This was our "pot luck" choice: American's Best Value Inn. It was old, probably forty years old, with large, comfortable rooms.
Chef Cyndy prepared the meal for the night.
Mr Nut, the sous chef enjoyed the results.
June 28-29, 2011. We chose such a nice place with an ocean view, we stayed two days. The first evening was pleasant, very little wind and what a break, no rain or drizzle.
Pelican Shores: A neat place in Lincoln City, Oregon.
Mr Nuts dear wife Cyndy
Mr Nut doing what he does best; sitting.
We always ask someone to take our picture, and tell them we need it to send back to our children to show them we are still active.
Again the chief chef was at work again with dinner. It was left overs from last evening. The second evening the sous chef (Mr Nut) sprung into action and grilled a pork loin on the grill provided by the Inn.
Yup! still doing it. Eating is a great sport. Notice the ocean in the background, what a great room.
June 30, 2011, found us in Garberville, California, where again we had a good motel in this small town.
The Humbolt Redwood Inn, was clean and our room consisted of two adjoining rooms each with a queen size bed.
Find a place to eat was another matter.
This was our "restaurant", it was the local watering hole, community gathering spot. Quaint, rather hippie like clientele in a run down building. There was a violinist playing for tips.
Here were a couple of shots of the inside of the place. Notice menu in chalk on the wall.
Another shot of the inside.
And finally, "last but least" the violin player upstairs overlooking the cafe tables. He is hard to see in this picture and was also hard to listen to.
July 1, 2011, it will be off to Susan and Dave's ocean vacation house in Gualala, California about 120 miles from Garborville, and about 100 miles north of San Francisco.
À bientôt
Mr Nut
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