Sunday, May 15, 2011

Making Music at Zion and Baking on the home front

Hello loyal follower(s)

   Yesterday Mr Nut and Cyndy his boss (chef) drove to Zion National Park because Cyndy was to  perform with the Southwest Symphony.  The weather was great, temperature in the 70's very little wind and NO RAIN.  the venue was in an open air amphitheater  in a Box canyon.  It was  beautiful but difficult to play in. Without a band shell the sound just goes up and out and the musicians have a difficult time hearing each other.
Mr Nut has the following pictures to share with you:

It was about five o'clock and the beginning of the sound check.  Also the first time the symphony had a chance to practice with the guest soloist.

What a view, the concert started at eight PM and it was light until almost nine PM so the audience could enjoy both the music and the views.

View to the northwest.  This amphitheater is located in Springdale, UT which is just outside the west entrance to Zion NP.

Zion NP is about 45 miles north east of St George, Utah.  the west entrance is about 4000 ft in elevation while St  George is about 2500 ft in elevation.  That can mean a 10 degree difference in temperature.

View to the north from near the top of the seating area.

As you can see there are plenty of fold-down seating. The audience  that evening was approximately 500 to 600 people, a good showing.

There were about 600 fold-down seat in the amphitheater, and room for at least another 200 fold-down seats if they ever needed them.

The lady in the red hat and sunglasses is my boss, Cyndy Martin.  This was still during the rehearsal.

This picture was taken with Mr Nut's inexpensive Canon camera from near the back of the amphitheater.

This was taken during the performance, again using the zoom feature of the camera.  Cyndy is just to the left side of the conductor and just a little above the level of his head, (without the red hat)

Well gang it is almost time for Mr Nut to make pizza, Mr Nut modified the recipe for Cheese Pizza crust.  After dinner a new recipe for bread will be ready for baking.   But right now it is nap time.

À bientôt,
Mr Nut

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